Wednesday, December 24, 2008

In the market

The market is a place full of vibrant activities. From stalls selling fruits, vegetables, flowers, seafood, meat, etc, all this activities resulted from happy transactions between willing seller and buyer.

Normally, the events in the market start as early as 5 am in the morning. Stall holders will begin to start laying out their merchandises and prepares for a day of selling their products. Early bird consumers normally housewives, will start to stroll in as early as 6 am because they want to get their first fresh product available. I have realized this phenomenon as fruits and vegetables are at their best freshness and big in size to choose from early in the morning. You can also smell the lovely fragrant of the raw vegetables and fruits.

Having discovered this phenomenon which I had totally ignored in the past, I begin to wake up early in the morning to go down to the market to enjoy this precious moment almost every morning.

Another aspect waiting for me every morning is the friendly greeting and smiles from the stall holders when you passed by them. I will readily acknowledged them and reciprocated with similar wishes and greeting with a friendly smile. All this activities lights you up early in the morning and leads you to a good start for the day.

As the buying and selling takes place, bargaining is often heard. Careful observation among these bargain hunters can teach you lessons in bargaining, communication and persuasion. At the end of the bargaining, you can see happy buyers’ and sellers’ faces as one had bought his/her requirement and the other had sold his/her goods.

Another lesson to learn is how to choose fresh and good products. I was ignorant in the past but when I discovered this beautiful activity in the market, I began to learn how to select fresh products for my family consumption. This decision was welcoming with my wife as not only I had an extra fulfilling activities, I also helped her in marketing.

In the beginning, I tend to observe how these experience housewives chose their products. At times, I do not comprehend how they do their selection. After a while, I felt that it was not the right way to learn and began another approach. I began to ask politely from these housewives how they chose their fresh products. Most of the time, they were very willing to share. I benefited tremendously during these conversation and they became my early morning greeting partners. We met most of the mornings, smile and wished each other well to kick off and start our day.

I really enjoyed my morning walk in the market. I will always go there every morning unless my schedule does not permit me to do so. I hope that you will also enjoy as much as I do with this simple activity.